What is PharmaCalc®?

PharmaCalc® is a Gantt chart-based pharma investment valuation tool that eliminates the need for complicated and time-consuming spreadsheet models, requiring no spreadsheet skills on the part of the analyst.  Tests have shown that PharmaCalc® is five times faster than spreadsheets, while eliminating spreadsheet logic and formula errors.  The Gantt chart interface results in a model that is rapidly and easily understood by anyone viewing the project.

What is the difference between PharmaCalc® and PharmaCalc® Portfolio?

PharmaCalc® is the Gantt chart-based tool that an analyst uses to value and publish pharmaceutical projects.  PharmaCalc® portfolio is a separate graphical tool that takes files published by PharmaCalc® and merges them into portfolios that can be easily and efficiently analyzed.  PharmaCalc® Portfolio can be used interactively with senior leadership to quickly perform “What If” analyses on the portfolio.

Can PharmaCalc® be used in live settings with groups?

Yes!  PharmaCalc® is highly effective in the team setting, making it easy for an analyst to do real time analysis live at meetings.  PharmaCalc® Portfolio can also be effectively used in interactive portfolio sessions with senior leadership.

What kind of projects can PharmaCalc® model?

PharmaCalc® can model any type of pharmaceutical project, including all types of drug development in any therapeutic area including both generics and innovative molecules.  It can also model device development, post-approval programs, line extensions, and business development deals including in-licensing and out licensing with tiered royalty and milestone schemes.

Where are PharmaCalc® files stored?

PharmaCalc® files are saved anywhere you like, just like a spreadsheet program.  Once you get a PharmaCalc® project completed, you can also publish it to a central location in the cloud where it can be used by PharmaCalc® Portfolio to assemble a portfolio for prioritization.

What is publishing?

Publishing a PharmaCalc® file sends a copy of your project to a centrally located cloud repository.  This allows multiple people working on various portfolio projects to send them to a central place without having to resort to emailing documents to a central person for assembly into a portfolio.

Where can you publish files to?

In short, you can publish to any location that can be accessed through Windows File Explorer.  We have tested publishing on several platforms, including SharePoint, Box, and internal company shared drives.

Can I export PharmaCalc ®files and graphics to other programs?

Yes!  You can copy and paste P&Ls from PharmaCalc® to Spreadsheet programs, and any graph or table can be copied and pasted into presentation and word processing documents.

Does PharmaCalc® have Monte Carlo simulation capabilities?

Yes – PharmaCalc® can perform Monte Carlo simulations on projects, and PharmaCalc® Portfolio has full Monte Carlo simulation capabilities at the portfolio level.

Can I try PharmaCalc® free before I buy?

Yes – PharmaCalc® and PharmaCalc® Portfolio both have a 30-day free trial period, with full functionality.

How are PharmaCalc® and PharmaCalc® Portfolio licensed?

Both programs are licensed on a per-user basis based on an annual subscription fee.  The subscription fee includes free technical support and upgrades during the subscription period.  Each user of PharmaCalc® (and PharmaCalc® Portfolio) receives a unique key that enables that user full access.